Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Letter D - Dinosaur

D is for Dinosaur
We read "The Lost Dinosaur Bone" by Mercer Mayer

Our local zoo just recently built a new Dinosaur exhibit with 19 "life-like" dinosaurs. Apparently too life-like, because Jake had no desire to enter the exhibit once he heard the roaring.

This was as close as we got to seeing dinosaurs. :)

After not looking at the dinosaurs we headed outside into the 50 degree January weather. Jake and Celia both enjoyed watching the ducks. I guess they are kinda like dinosaurs. ;)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Letter D - Dog

D is for Dog
We read "Charlie the Ranch Dog" by Ree Drummond
If you have ever read anything by "The Pioneer Woman" you should know that she has a very sarcastic sense of humor. This book was no different. Very cute. Jake loved the pictures.

Both Jake and Celia adore dogs. I'm sure it won't be long until we add a pet to our family. But for now, snuggling big, stuffed animals will have to do. :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 30 - February 3 Lesson Plan

Letter of the Week: Dd

Before Five in a Row Book: "Ask Mr. Bear"

Verse of the week: Philipians 2:14 "Do all things without complaining and disputing."

Monday: word of the day DOG
Learn the ASL sign for dog
Book: "Charlie the Ranch Dog" by Ree Drummond
Activity: Coloring sheet

Tuesday: word of the day DINOSAUR
Learn the ASL sign for dinosaur
Book: " The Lost Dinosaur Bone" by Mercer Mayer
Activity: dig for "bones"

Wednesday: word of the day DEER
Learn the ASL sign for deer
Book: "Lost in the Woods" by Jean Stoick and Carl Sams
Activity: discuss photos, craft

Thursday: word of the day DIGGER
Learn the ASL sign for digger
Book: "Hush Little Digger" by Ellen Olson-Brown
Activity: digging craft

Friday: word of the day DUCK
Learn the ASL sign for duck
Book: "Lemon the Duck" by Laurence Cleyet-Merle and Laura Backman
Activity: new stuffed duck pretend play

Saturday/Sunday: review and reading day (read favorite books from the week)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Letter C - Cookie

C is for Cookie.
We read "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie."

Making cookies seemed like the logical thing to do.
Look at my sweet helpers!!

Jake loved adding the ingredients and watching the mixer spin.

Celia mostly loved standing on the stool and playing with the measuring cups.

Jake counted the chocolate chips to make sure there were plenty in the cookies. :)

Ready to be baked.

They were approved by my official taste-tester. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Letter C - Clock

It's ironic that today's word involves the concept of time. Today flew by without a chance for us to do our formal "learning time."

Jake has been done taking naps for a couple of months, but every now and then he will go to sleep on his own, and today was one of those days that he just crashed on the couch. Celia, on the other hand, has been teething, and now has 6 teeth. While dealing with her teeth coming in she has refused sleep unless she is nursing or being held. It has made getting things accomplished, on the days that Eric is working, very difficult.

Even though we didn't read our book for the day, there was no shortage of learning in our house. In fact, Celia taught Jake how to put his face in the bath water and blow bubbles tonight at bath time. After they were all clean and dried off they continued their nightly ritual of chasing each other while still in their "natural state." :) They then sat on the couch together while Jake "read" Celia stories. These moments are priceless.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Letter C - Clean

C is for Clean.
We read the book "Let's Clean Up!" by Peggy Perry Anderson.
We spent time discussing how it's nice to help by cleaning up our messes.

"Blueberries for Sal" is our Before Five In A Row book for the week. We have been having a lot of fun with this book. Today, for example, Jake went "blueberry picking" with his own little bucket. He had SO much fun looking for the blueberries (actually little blue pom poms) and showing me how many he had in his bucket.

It was a great lesson in counting too.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Letter C - Caterpillar

C is for Caterpillar
Our book for today was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle.

I put a fun little game together for us to do as we read the book.

Jake had to find the corresponding food and feed the caterpillar.

Celia watching Jake feed the caterpillar.

There's the pickle!

Making the "cocoon" for the caterpillar.

The butterfly was inside the bag and came out after being in the cocoon for a while. :)

"See the butterfly, sissy??!"

After Jake was done I let Celia play too. She even got a few pieces of fruit in the caterpillars mouth! She is a very fast learner. She is also picking up a lot of the sign language we have been doing, and Jake is a great teacher. He helped her sign "please" and "thank you" today!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Letter C - Cat

C is for Cat

We read "Frankie Works the Night Shift" by Jennifer Taylor.
Cute book!!

We have a book about cats that the children really enjoy - it's one of the touch and feel books.

Jake really likes the letter C. In the above picture he was very carefully coloring the C, and below he drew the letter all by himself! I didn't even prompt him.
He said, "Look Momma, letter C!!"

Signing the letter C

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 23-27 Lesson Plan

Letter of the Week: Cc

Before Five in a Row Book: "Blueberries for Sal" by Robert McCloskey

Verse of the week: I Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you."

Monday: word of the day CAT
Learn the ASL sign for cat
Book: "Frankie Works the Night Shift" by Jennifer Taylor
Activity: Coloring sheet
BFIAR: Painting Blueberries with pom poms

Tuesday: word of the day CATERPILLER
Learn the ASL sign for caterpiller
Book: "The Very Hungry Caterpiller" by Eric Carle
Activity: Caterpiller Game
BFIAR: Blueberries for snack

Wednesday: word of the day CLEAN
Learn the ASL sign for clean
Book: "Let's Clean Up!" by Peggy Perry Anderson
Activity: Clean up song/game
BFIAR: Blueberry "picking" with pom poms and a pail

Thursday: word of the day CLOCK
Learn the ASL sign for clock
Book: "My Grandmother's Clock" by Geraldine McCaughrean
Activity: Play with a pretend clock
BFIAR: Counting with blueberries

Friday: word of the day COOKIE
Learn the ASL sign for cookie
Book: "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" by Laura Joffe Numeroff
Activity: Make cookies
BFIAR: Draw a scene from the book

Saturday/Sunday: review and reading day (read favorite books from the week)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Letter B - Brother

B is for Brother

Today we read all about being a great big brother in "Franklin and Harriet."

Then, because today was our first big snow of winter, we got bundled up and played outside.

Jake's favorite part was eating the freshly fallen snow.

Papa and Sissy watched Jake and I make snow angels from the nice warm house.

And just because it's too cute not to share...Celia wore pigtails in her hair for the first time today!