Thursday, January 5, 2012

Our Thoughts as Parents

Well, here we go! When Katie and I first became parents, we started looking at the world and society with a much different perspective. Things that just went without speaking, have now been questioned... why can't we do this, or why don't we try that. You know, adjustments to the status quo. Well, one of the big issues with us is education and learning. We decided, that although it may seem strange or whatever, that we are going to provide education out of the home, and community, as opposed to a traditional (as of late at least) public education. We understand that there are many good state run and public programs out there, but we also understand that you cannot bump up quantity without adversely affecting quality. I know first hand, as I was both home schooled and attended public school.

We want to strive to allow the children to be individuals first, and students of the class second. When I was young, about age 4, I knew that I was undeniably going to join the Marine Corps as soon as the grown ups allowed. In the mean time, my parents respected me, and did not force me to accept their wishes for my post school occupation. I ended up leaving for Boot Camp the day after I graduated High School, like I had planned for years. In that same respect, we want to allow the children to decide their own way, early on if they wish, and help foster those desires by educating them in the way they as individuals best learn.

The basis of this blog will be to document our discoveries in how to learn, what method is best for each of our children, the things we, as parents, learn along the way, and the memories made. Learning about life, through life.


For those who know our family, there may be questions as to the timing of this blog because of the age of our children. Isn’t it too early to start “home schooling?” The answer is simple - no. Quite frankly, I think that the lesson plans that we have decided to implement this winter are more for my sake as a mother, than for the children. I say that because I thrive on planning. I like to know what my days will be comprised of and that I am accomplishing something of value. The things we will be focusing on will be very simple, and age appropriate. It will help fill our days and help us all get a feel of what home schooling will be like, and what will work best for our family.

We are really excited about this journey, and, admittedly, a bit nervous too. Our children mean the world to us and we are excited to learn along with them!


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